The key to living a full and healthy life is meaning what you say, saying what you mean, and doing it.
Talk is cheap. Cons are easy. Action requires a commitment.
Anne Wilson Shaef.
Over the years I saw many of my friends and family turn to alcohol as an escape from the pain of their existence and, at the age of 15, I made the decision never to drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes-both major agents of genocide-a golden rule I have followed throughout my life.
Burnum Burnum, Aboriginal Writer.
The Creator designed us to learn by trial and error. The path of life we walk is very wide. Everything on the path is sacred-what we do right is sacred-but our mistakes are also sacred. This is the Creators way of teaching spiritual people. To criticize ourselves when we make mistakes is not the Indian way. To learn from our mistakes is the Indian way. The definition of a spiritual person is someone who makes 30-50 mistakes each day and talks to the Creator after each one to see what to do next time. This is the way of the warrior.
Don Coyhis, Mohican Writer.
She learnt from her elders that everything in the universe is perfect. People and anything else only become less than perfect when compared to someone or something else, or when influenced by negative forces.
Rangimarie Turuki Pere, Maori Writer.
Wait below for he who is above. (He will fall.)
Swahili Proverb
There are Indigenous belief systems. In areas where sorcery is strong, it is women who hold spiritual power. Christianity has arrived with all it’s variations. But the spirit world has been part of Indigenous culture for generations.
Margaret Taylor, Papua New Guinea Writer.
The senses are contradictory and deceiving. We never look at anything with our senses. We look with our feelings. Only our feelings can be trusted.
Alex Pua, Hawaiian Kupuna.
Let us give thanks for this beautiful day. Let us give thanks for this life. Let us give thanks for the water without which life would not be possible. Let us give thanks for grandmother earth who protects and nourishes us.
Daily Prayer of the Lakota American Indian.
Crystals are very important to the planet. There are various concentrations of crystals around that keep the planet in balance. When these concentrations of crystals are broken up and carried off, the planet is no longer in balance.
Aboriginal Elder.
Land is not just real estate... is part of the essence of who Indigenous people are. It needs to be understood within the context of their spirituality and their holistic sense of creation and humanity... A landless Indigenous person is a person at real risk.
The Reverend Paul Reeves, Maori Elder.
Technologically advanced cultures dismiss the contribution of the Aboriginal peoples. I believe our contribution can dramatically change everyone’s life on this planet. It is imperative that people understand the separate reality of native peoples and the rest of society.
Douglas Cardinal, Canadian Indian Writer, Artist and Architect.
We must respect our Mother, the Earth, or we can never grow as human beings, her children.
Phil Lane Sr, Yankton Lakota Elder, American Indian.
Old people are highly respected, honoured and loved. They are regarded as the living links with the ancestors.
Feleti E Ngan-Woo, Samoan Writer.
The wisest mans sees the least, says the least but prayers the most.
Irish Proverb.
We want to save that which is written on the people’s tongues.
Peter Kalifornsky, Dena’ina Elder, Alaska.
Words have great power and should be used carefully. Aloha, for example, should not be seen as just a frivolous tourist greeting. Alo means the bosom of the center of the universe, and ha, the breath of God, so to say this word is to appreciate another person’s divinty.
Nana Veary, Hawaiian Kupuna.
We cannot depend on governments to heal our wounds. We have to help each other.
Hene, Maori Woman Elder.
Other people can rape and damage my body. Only I can damage my soul.
American Indian Woman Elder.
Whenever we pray we always pray ‘’mitakuye oyasin’’, for all our relations.
We pray for all of the black people, all the yellow people, all the white people, and all the red people. We pray for all our relations.
Lakota Elder, American Indian.
What God has established, man cannot annul.
Swahili Proverb.
Our white relatives say the Indian is stoic. This is not necessarily true. We just wait to see the true person. Given time he will show his true self, so we wait and time will provide the proof.
Phil Lane Sr, Yankton Lakota Elder, American Indian.
Perhaps only when people can enjoy their differences as a resource of cultural enrichment do they become truly civilized.
Herb Kawainui Kane, Hawaiian Kupuna and Artist.
Childhood among the Australian Aborigines is the happiest time of their lives. No one who has lived with a group of nomadic hunters, or has spent any time in a camp of Aborigines who are still living under tribal conditions, can have failed to notice the indulgence and solicitude that is lavished upon the children during their early years.
Donald Thompson, Writer observing Australian Aborigines.
If spirit becomes off balance in the white man’s world, they call it sin. Traditional medicine is with the whole being. Most of the sickness today is of the spirit.
George Goodstriker, Kainai (Blackfoot) Elder, Canada.
When you are ready, come to me. I will take you into nature. In nature you will learn everything that you need to know.
Rolling Thunder, Cherokee Medicine Man, American Indian.
A man begins cutting his wisdom teeth the first time he bites off more than he can chew.
Irish Saying.
Long time ago people live by these things because that’s the only way people can get along. By looking at things the right way. We live close together. The way I was brought up has nothing to do with no whiteman way. Absolutely. What I learned is the Indian way.
Peter John, Athabaskan Elder and Chief, Minto, Alaska.
A balance does not exist at this time as there is no input by Native people into this world.
Douglas Cardinal, Canadian Indian Writer, Artist and Architect.
My greatness comes not from me alone. It derives from a multitude, from my ancestors; The authority, the awe, the divine, and the artistry,
I inherited these gifts, from my ancestors.
Te Maori Exhibit.
Don’t steal, don’t lie, don’t be lazy. Let’s just respect each other.
Peruvian Woman Speaker.
The results of these crude attempts to engineer the demise of the Aborigines have been disastrous. The anger and the pain they feel at their treatment and their distrust of the law is justified by their experiences. Even so, what emerges is not bitterness but wisdom, not hatred but patience, not retreat but a desire to share their culture.
Derek Fowell, Australian Writer.
She always said, when someone be mean or say bad things about us, to let it go, never fight back or defend our self. We were to be kind to them instead and only see the good things on others.
Clara Honea, Athabaskan Elder, Ruby, Alaska.
A bad thing usually costs a lot.
Mario Proverb.
A thoroughly trained mind, and a broadly cultivated heart are luminous in the soul of nations.
The Reverend Akaiko Akana, Hawaiian Kupuna.
The power lies in the wisdom and understanding of one’s role in the great mystery, and in honoring every living thing as a teacher.
Jamie Sams and David Carson, American Indian Writers.
The dreaming is ongoing. The ancestors created the rocks, waterholes, plants and people and are a continuing presence today. We continue to be one with our ancestors and that oneness gives us the confidence to know the land and the waterholes created in the dreamtime.
Aboriginal Elder.
The release that my family is finding from alcoholism is going back to the spiritual ways.
Nez Perce’ Elder, American Indian.
O Great Spirit who made all races, look kindly upon the whole human family, and take away the arrogance and hatred which separates us from our brothers.
Cherokee Prayer, American Indian.
The rise of mana (the power of) Maori is a positive and liberating experience which is part of the international struggle by Indigenous populations such as the Maori from self-determination, cultural survival, and escape from domination.
Sydney Moko Mead, Maori Writer.
I teach my children to hunt the old way. Where they make the first kill on the hunt they leave all the insides, including the heart and the liver, for our relatives, the winged, the four-legged and the crawling, and we thank the deer or whatever animal we kill for laying its life down for us so we can live and eat their meat. We say our prayers in unspoken language and respect whatever we kill or dig or pick.
Jeanette Timentwa, Colville Lake Tribe Elder, American Indian.
Try to understand water, minerals, vegetation, animal behavior, and then it is easy to understand human behavior.
George Goodstriker, Kainai (Blackfoot) Elder, Canada.
Look behind you. See your sons and your daughters. They are your future. Look further and see your sons’ and daughters’ children and their children’s children even unto the seventh generation. That’s the way we were taught. Think about it- you yourself are a seventh generation.
Leon Shenandoah, Onondagan Elder, American Indian.
The elders teach us that the Creator is a loving and forgiving God. He loves us during our good days and he loves us during our bad days. He doesn’t know how to do anything but love. If I really want to find out about the true God, I only need to ask in prayer. There is one thing that God cannot do and that is refuse help to one of his children who ask.
Don Coyhis, Mohican Writer.
Begin to care for nature and nature cares for you, in unsuspected ways.
Bill Neidjie, Australian Aboriginal.
Nature is the storehouse of potential life of future generations and is sacred.
Audrey Shenandoah, Onondagan Writer.
Disease starts in the mind and ends up in the guts. That’s why everyone needs to clean out the guts. Then the mind clears.
Angeline Locey, Hawaiian Kupuna and Healer.
How can people say one skin is colored when each has it’s own coloration? What should it matter that one bowl is dark and the other pale, if each is of good design and serves its purpose well? We who are clay blended by the master potter come from the kiln of creation in many hues.
Polingaysi Qoyawayma, Potter and Hopi Elder, American Indian.
Our greatest wealth is in the number of elders and children.
Alex Pua, Hawaiian Kupuna.
The best thing for your body is making love with a righteous partner every day.
Auntie Margaret, Hawaiian Kuhuna.
The old Lakota was wise. He knew that man’s heart away from nature becomes hard.
Standing Bear, Lakota Sioux, American Indian.
When you work for the Creator, you go back in nature, You work in ‘’his’’ time.
George Goodstriker, Kainai (Blackfoot) Elder, Canada.
We do not judge the mutants. We pray for them and release them as we pray and release ourselves. We pray they will look closely at their actions, at their values and learn before it is too late that all life is one. We pray they will stop the destruction of the earth and of each other.
Aboriginal Elder.
If what the teachers taught is true-that it is possible for an ancestral spirit for two generations (like one’s deceased parent or grandparent) to guard and inspire a beloved relative on earth-I shall watch over you from above and guide you righteously. I do not know at the present time how this is done but I shall find out from the guild of ancestral spirits when I join them after I awaken from nature’s trance-sleep of death.
Mary Julia Glennie Bush, Hawaiian Kupuna.
A good thing sells itself. A bad thing is advertised.
Swahili Proverb.
Being a warrior... It is a willingness to sacrifice everything except your truth, your way of being, your commitment. The ultimate stand is to your commitment to do something with your life that will make a difference.
Douglas Cardinal, Canadian Indian Writer, Artist and Architect.
We Indians have a more human philosophy of life. We Indians will show this country how to act human. Someday this country will revise its constitutions, its laws, in terms of human beings instead of property. If red power is to be a power in this country it is because it is ideological... What is the ultimate value of a man’s life? That is the question.
Vine Deloria Jr, Sioux Writer, American Indian.
To hold onto one’s anger for a long time is only to prolong one’s unhappiness.
Asesela Ravuvu, Fijian Writer.
Youth talks-Age teaches.
Maori Proverb.
We grow up knowing that the land is our Mother. We know that there can be no monetary value for our Mother.
Maori Elder.
The bonds with the mythical Beings of the Dreamtime are such that they believe in a united world of body and spirit for every form of life in the land, both living and non-living. This then means that the rocks, rivers and waterholes are more than just a reminder or a symbol of the Dreamtime; they represent reality and eternal truth.
David Gulplil, Australian Aboriginal.
Centuries ago you white people chose the path of science and technology. That path will destroy the planet. Our role is to protect the planet. We are hoping that you discover this before it’s too late.
Reuben Kelly, Aborignal Elder.
Take care of our children.
Take care of what they hear.
Take care of what they see.
Take care of what they feel.
For how the children grow so will be the shape of Aotearoa.
Dame Whina Cooper, Maori Elder.
Europeans and their perception of land is based on the materialistic. They look upon land as ‘’my land, I own this land’’. It is a commodity. Whereas Aborigines look at something as a part of the whole, a part of themselves, and they are part of that-the land. The land and they are one.
Aborignal Elder, Musgrave Park.
When you lie to a person you hurt his soul.
Phil Lane Sr, Yankton Lakota Elder, American Indian.
Aboriginal peoples live in the dream state of vision. As native people we are trained to bring dreams up into reality, into the real world. As a native person I am trained to bring out peoples visions. I am a dream maker trained to make peoples dreams a reality. I am totally involved in a dream in the making.
Douglas Cardinal, Canadian Indian Writer, Artist and Architect.
No time for your health today; no health for your time tomorrow.
Irish Proverb.
And he said you get rid of that anger and resentment towards whites for what they have done, everything you ask in his name will come to you-no difficulty, because you have built a compassion inside of you to the human race of the world.
Eddie Box, Ute Elder and Medicine Man, American Indian.
Nature is God’s greatest teacher. Man must learn to attune his higher spiritual consciousness to the harmonious flow of nature and feel the throbbing heartbeat of the man in heaven who created it for lasting duration in order to realize his oneness with nature and with God.
Old Native Hawaiian Fisherman.
In Europe, as people developed their civilization from the caves to the cathedrals, they left clear evidence of their achievements for future generations to admire. In Australia, the land itself is the cathedral and worship is not confined to any four walls. Each step is a prayer and every form in the landscape-and everything that moves in it-were put there specifically for the people to use and manage. And the mythic beings made clear the responsibility of the people of preserving and nurturing the environment. Their success in managing their world so successfully, and sustaining their culture for so long, is now attracting the worldwide respect it deserves.
Burnum Burnum, Aboriginal Writer.
Their was always harmony and balance between the land and the animals. The land needed the animals and the animals need the land. But this balance was broken when man arrived. Human beings needed the land and were not living in that balance. Aboriginal people developed Back burning to help rejuvenate the mothers fertility and in doing this they became needed to provide the heat to germinate the next generation of greenery. They became part of that balance, native wildlife need native grasses – fire is a must for renewel.
Indian Chief.
-Albert Einstein-
"The most beautiful and profound emotion we can experience is the sensation of the mystical. It is the power of all true science."
spiritual strength in numbers is the key to overcome!.
Aboriginal76 youtube
The Right Reverend Jesse Jackson
“Today’s students can put dope in their veins or hope in their brains. If they can conceive it and believe it, they can achieve it. They must know it is not their aptitude but their attitude that will determine their attitude”
If there be righteousness in the heart
There will be beauty in the character
If there is beauty in the character
There will be harmony in the home
If there is harmony in the home
There will be order in the nation
When there is order in each nation
There will be peace in the world.
Very old Chinese Proverb.
As Jim Rohn said -"Formal education will make you a living; self-
education will make you a fortune."
information, in the hands of the right person
who actually puts it to use, is worth 100 times
- 1,000 times - more than it's actual cost.
Be who you are
say what you feel
because those who mind
don't matter
and those who matter
don't mind.
~ Dr. Seuss ~
Dreaming Statement:We hope by connecting,sharing and assisting the efforts of communities,we will grow together, make wiser decisions for our future and return to the balance we once had in this land. “Let us put our minds together and see what kind of life we can make for our children.” - Chief Sitting Bull If you have come to help me, you are wasting your time. If you have come to because your liberation is bound up in mine, we can work together. - Lilla Watson
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