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Monday, February 15, 2010

Australian born Europeans a message from your ancient landlords - We have a better way, shape up or ship out!

Since growing up in the heat of our movement and because of the current  political climate, I feel now is the time for such discussion, but you will ultimately decide as the reader…

Psychological, Silent, Secret, Undeclared War!

An aunt raised the issue of illegal occupancy in this country, with me first some years ago. “If we could just receive 5% land tax, 5% travellers tax and 5% of air space tax, we may have a lot more answers to a lot more of our needs, approximately $5 billion per year towards self sufficiency as one people”. Was basically what was said, if memory serves me right.

Not long after, an in-law and I spent a good while talking about how the original orders of the king were disregarded and instead Joseph Banks reported our people as being nothing more than mere brutes and James Cook used the cop out of terranullius. We were then said to be discovered and settled by explorers when we were clearly invaded, colonised to create a penal colony.  I thought both were either, unacceptable terms of taking occupancy of a sovereign people’s land, according to international law, and if not are these not crimes of war (dispossession, genocide and loss of basic human rights)?  And are we therefore still in a state of undeclared war (as I heard another aunt say)?

Having never ceded extinction of original title (as stated in the Barunga statement), as the first people of this country we are still sovereign people of this land.  Because we tilled the earth (with our fire stick farming methods, back burning etc, rejuvenating native plants and providing continuous food for animals), having our own written history (cave paintings and art work etc) and because we have our own law.  Is’nt the only way to legally overturn this, being to declare war on our country and have won?

How many countries have still today unresolved issues, pertaining to legal residency issues of it’s newer arrivals - are we part of a small minority?   With the apology taken  place, talks of amending the constitution been thrown around like a hot potato, the forming of a national body and more importantly the forced conditions on our people and land in the N.T.etc (Too many to list as with allot of our stuff),  I feel now is the time for real talking and real people to start it.

When will Australia be occupied legally by the people who are so happy to now call this place home?  The irony of and the stigma surrounding boat people, gotta laugh.

To be continued...

Friday, February 12, 2010

The beginning of the link pages

We are the future young peoples movement

We are the future Young Origine People's Movement
Time To Thrive



Law Society of NSW - SearchResults
Law Society of NSW - Precedents
Law Society Online : Precedents

research studies eg

Australian Critical Race and Whiteness Studies Association

indigenous oz

YouTube - Change the 26 Jan Date of Australia Day
Aboriginal Financial Institution and Microfinance Initiative
Aboriginal Tent Embassy
Koori Mail - Breaking News
Indigenous Portal - Foundation for Aboriginal and Islander Research Action
December 24-31, 2009: Five Key Indigenous Peoples Issues - Indigenous Peoples Issues and Resources
We are the future Young Origine People's Movement: Beginning of link pages
Time To Thrive

real stuff

Love for Life | A strong immune system means protection from disease. A united community presents an impenetrable front against corruption!
A Forum for individual lawful rebellion in all its forms
Love for Life Campaign | Love for Life
Summary Of The New Booklet Life is for the Living – The True Steps of Freedom By Arthur and Fiona Cristian 19th May 2008 | Love for Life
Project Camelot | The Round Table
Truth Action Australia :: Spreading 9/11 Truth Through Action (User)
TrueWorldHistory.info - A Historic look at the world of yesterday, today and tomorrow

freeman movement

I Need a Fast Streamlined Escape From Oppression | Love for Life
Free Man On The Land In Lay Mans Terms - David Icke's Official Forums
The Freeman on the Land myth: Debunked
Truth Movement Australia » free man on the land australia
Audio: Live Interview With Thomas Anderson About The Strawman - Interviewed By Adam Davis TruthMovementAustralia.com.au | Love for Life
IMPORTANT: Claim back your Freedom, How to become a Freeman-on-the-Land - Australian 9/11 Truth Movement
Affidavit Of Truth - Aussie Phorums
Dr Richard Schulze - Save your Life Interviews (download torrent) - TPB

not working faulty

IWA HQ Website Homepage

real views news

reddit.com: what's new online!
WGAR News: Update on Aboriginal Summit in Canberra (23 Jan 10) | Indymedia Australia
Workers Bush Telegraph
Queensland Weather and Warnings
Second Look - A Rational Approach to Controversial Public Policy Issues
Koori Mail - Breaking News


Welcome to Moving Mountains
Aboriginal Financial Institution and Microfinance Initiative


fluoride awareness

Fluoride Australia | Fluoride News Articles and Published Facts
Citizens for Safe Drinking Water-Hawaii Fluoridation

FromMeToYou. master page

world indigenous issues

Indigenous Portal - Foundation for Aboriginal and Islander Research Action
December 24-31, 2009: Five Key Indigenous Peoples Issues - Indigenous Peoples Issues and Resources

Saturday, February 6, 2010


It‘s important to understand that product sales In the ‗natural‘ and ‗organic‘ body care industry are driven by marketing and advertising gurus driven with the single intention of increasing profits for their clients. This is their role and they don‘t distinguish quality.... Many of the big cosmetics companies have jumped on the "organic" bandwagon regardless of their chemical preservative system, synthetic additives, fragrances and perfumes, plus a host of thousands of other chemical ingredients. Using catchy phrases like ―vitamin-e‖, "naturally-based ingredients", "green tea", "anti-oxidants" and many others, they hope to fool us into believing their products are natural, healthy and safe...and they're not!! Just read the labels. It‘s time to realise that our bodies are meant to be at one with nature and that technology whilst part of our lives, has become detrimental to the long term health of humans and our planet? So what can we do to change this? As an informed consumer you have the power to make change simply by using your ‗buying‘ power. Be conscious of the products you choose. As you ‗detox‘ your home you will improve the health and wellbeing of yourself, your fam-ily, your pets and the planet.
Together we can make a difference. It‘s called PEOPLE POWER

Supermarket, drug store, pharmacy and health food store shelves are flooded with products that claim to be organic or natural and safe to use on your kids and you. However ‗eco-marketing‘ and ‗green‘ labelling‘ disguise the reality of the synthetic chemical ingredients in your baby products.
There is no enforcement or federal regulations in many countries that prevent companies from labelling these products natural or organic, even when they're loaded with synthetic ingredients! For example, many baby lotions that claim to be ‗organic‘ many contain Propylparaben, a toxic chemical known to cause skin rashes and allergic reactions.
Research shows contact with this chemical on babies or children should be avoided! Another example is a baby shampoo that also calls itself organic, but includes the ingredient Cocamidopropyl Betain, a chemical that causes eye and skin irritation! These synthetics have definitely not been approved as ‗organic‘ ingredients, nor would they be. Yet they are found in most of our personal care products and we‘re led to believe they are safe to use on us and our kids.
By the time you’ve read this book you will have the info you need to keep you and your family safe from exposure to these toxins.

2009 Niche Finders. All rights reserved.
They accumulate in the food chain and end up in our bones, organs, blood, fat, urine, ovaries and sperm. If you are pregnant they are passed onto your baby child via the placenta or later through your breast milk. (Article #1 - outlines the results of a study of the umbilical cords undertaken by the Red Cross. You may be shocked by what you read.) What‘s scary is that over half these chemicals have never been tested for their toxicity on humans, especially babies? So what happens when they‘re all mixed together to become a shampoo, bubble bath or baby lotion? Yes, you’re right! They become a toxic concoction!
About now you’re probably thinking how heavy this all feels. I’m hearing you!
How good do you feel knowing you are becoming wiser, more informed and
conscious about what‘s happening in your environment?
How does it get any better than that?
Copyright © 2009 Niche Finders. All rights reserved.


For most parents it is impossible to understand or decipher what the ingredients in some of chil-dren‘s products actually are:

Have you ever looked at the ingredients list on your baby care and children‘s products and wondered what they are?

Have you ever researched what the ingredients are and what their purpose is?

Do you believe the ingredients are safe for your kids?

Are you aware of the effects the combination of some these ingredients may have on your baby and children‘s health and wellbeing?

Do you believe that products advertised or labelled ‗natural‘ or ‗organic‘ are safe to use?
Raise Questions, Seek Answers
When you know the truth about the chemicals in your baby and children‟s products you may be shocked at what you find!

Because you make ALL the choices and decisions for your children from birth to their formative years, it is vitally important that you make wise and informed choices for them.
You will decide: What products they are exposed to What medications they will take What food they eat Where and how they will live
Are you aware of the toxins they may be exposed to from their baby products and in their every-day environment?
What is that you require to help you understand the impact of toxins on your child‘s health and wellbeing now and for the future?
What do you think they would ask you in the future about the choices you are making for them today?
If your child had a choice, what would they choose?

Copyright © 2009 Niche Finders. All rights reserved.
Healthy Living
We have all lathered and pampered our kids with all sorts of potions, lotions and concoctions so they feel soft and smell good. Most people intrinsically believe that companies would not inten-tionally promote or sell products that would harm our babies or children.
Is this really true?

“Look deep into nature and then you will understand everything better”
Albert Einstein

Inner Alchemy
The alchemists of ancient times were aware that the human body works in harmony with mother nature. They used her secrets in a form of natural chemistry, free from synthetic chemicals using only ingredients derived from plants, minerals, flowers and nature.
This fact is what makes natural substances more powerful than any synthetic substance created by man. Most modern men and women have detached themselves from nature. We now live in a world where every aspect of our environment is saturated with synthetic chemicals. Sad but true…
We have been fooled for decades into thinking that ‗synthetics‘ are the way of the future and that they are safe and superior to nature. Given the massive increases in cancer and other im-mune related diseases since the beginning of the chemical revolution in the 1930‘s and the cur-rent global environmental issues of our planet, we can see that this may not be the truth.


Did you know?
The greatest risk of CHEMICAL EXPOSURE for the Average Person is found in the BATHROOM
There are at least 125 suspected CARCINOGENIC ingredients found in everyday personal care products and cosmetics
Everyday products such as shampoo, bubble bath, toothpaste and moisturizer or body lo-tions including baby products contain industrial chemicals which are used in products such as engine degreasers, anti-freeze and oven cleaners
Your children may be in danger from baby shampoos, skin lotions, baby wipes and tooth-paste. According to doctors and medical researchers in the United States, Japan, Switzer-land and Germany, two common ingredients found in ordinary shampoos and skin products may be linked to cataracts, cancer, eye damage and even blindness in young children!
Artificial fragrances in most products contain neurotoxic substances and are toxic to hu-mans. They also decrease sperm count and formation.
Sodium Fluoride one of the active ingredients in Rat Poison is in commonly found in over 300 different types of toothpaste including children‘s varieties
Ingredients in many baby products such as Methyl Paraben are linked to cancer, reproduc-tive/developmental toxicity, allergies, immuno-toxicity and more. Bio-accumulation of these toxins are particularly harmful to babies because of the amount and long term expo-sure from birth.

Every day we buy products laced with a cocktail of chemicals causing us, our families and the en-vironment great harm. They are sold in supermarkets, health food stores, retail outlets and on-line advertised as natural, organic and safe to use.
Most of us have believed the lies and the hype… But now we know what to look out for .
Check the ingredient labels on the products in your bathroom cupboard and find out what they really are?
Be Vigilant! Check the ingredient list on your products.
Copyright © 2009 Niche Finders. All rights reserved.

Time to check ourselves- b 4 we wreck ourselves

Did you know?
In 1901 Cancer rates were 1 in 8000 – they are now 1 in 3 and rising
Between 1965 & 1982 over 4M distinct chemical compounds were made
At least 250,000 new chemicals have been made each year since 1982. They are found in our water, the air we breathe, the food we eat, what we put into and on our bodies and under the sink.

Most of these chemicals have never been tested for their effects on humans, animals or the environment
A study of umbilical cord samples from the American Red Cross found that babies in-utero have an average of 200 known toxic chemicals in their blood, including mercury, fire retardants, pesticides and a chemical used in the production of Teflon. All this even be-fore being born! (See ARTICLE #1)
Girls are reaching puberty at a younger age, sometimes as young as seven
More boys are being born with genital deformities than ever before
PMS, fibrocystic breast disease, endometriosis and other hormonal problems are rife
Diseases such as Alzheimer‘s, Parkinson‘s disease, Multiple Sclerosis and other immune related diseases are far more prevalent than they once were
Since 1980, asthma has increased by 600%. The Canadian Lung Association and the Asthma Society of Canada identify common household cleaners and cosmetics as triggers
There has been a 28% increase in childhood cancer, such as leukemia, since the addition of pesticides into household products.(Source: National Cancer Institute)

Allergies and skin conditions have increased 10-fold
1 in 3 children and adults now suffer from Asthma or respiratory illness
ADHD etc are now commonplace - 7.7 – 12.8m children in the US alone have mental health problems such as ADD, ADHD, DEPRESSION
People suffering from depression has risen from one in twenty people to one in five
There are up to 110 chemicals used on apples alone – so much for an apple a day… They can be kept in cold storage for up to two years before you buy them so they gotta keep them looking fresh and stop them rotting somehow!!
Approximately 710 chemicals in our water supply & Over 10,000 chemicals used in food processing and preservation which increases every year.

These are just a few of the published statistics. There is now scientific and medical evidence which supports the correlation between the increase in cancers, immune related diseases, asthma, skin disorders and more and the introduction of synthetic man-made chemicals into our environment since the 1930‘s. It‘s something we can no longer pretend isn't happening...
I know this is scary stuff but congratulate yourself because you now have the information to question what‘s in the products you‘re using on Yourself, your Children and in your Home?  Stay tuned now to find out more and more and more.
Copyright © 2009 Niche Finders. All rights reserved.