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Saturday, February 6, 2010


For most parents it is impossible to understand or decipher what the ingredients in some of chil-dren‘s products actually are:

Have you ever looked at the ingredients list on your baby care and children‘s products and wondered what they are?

Have you ever researched what the ingredients are and what their purpose is?

Do you believe the ingredients are safe for your kids?

Are you aware of the effects the combination of some these ingredients may have on your baby and children‘s health and wellbeing?

Do you believe that products advertised or labelled ‗natural‘ or ‗organic‘ are safe to use?
Raise Questions, Seek Answers
When you know the truth about the chemicals in your baby and children‟s products you may be shocked at what you find!

Because you make ALL the choices and decisions for your children from birth to their formative years, it is vitally important that you make wise and informed choices for them.
You will decide: What products they are exposed to What medications they will take What food they eat Where and how they will live
Are you aware of the toxins they may be exposed to from their baby products and in their every-day environment?
What is that you require to help you understand the impact of toxins on your child‘s health and wellbeing now and for the future?
What do you think they would ask you in the future about the choices you are making for them today?
If your child had a choice, what would they choose?

Copyright © 2009 Niche Finders. All rights reserved.
Healthy Living
We have all lathered and pampered our kids with all sorts of potions, lotions and concoctions so they feel soft and smell good. Most people intrinsically believe that companies would not inten-tionally promote or sell products that would harm our babies or children.
Is this really true?

“Look deep into nature and then you will understand everything better”
Albert Einstein

Inner Alchemy
The alchemists of ancient times were aware that the human body works in harmony with mother nature. They used her secrets in a form of natural chemistry, free from synthetic chemicals using only ingredients derived from plants, minerals, flowers and nature.
This fact is what makes natural substances more powerful than any synthetic substance created by man. Most modern men and women have detached themselves from nature. We now live in a world where every aspect of our environment is saturated with synthetic chemicals. Sad but true…
We have been fooled for decades into thinking that ‗synthetics‘ are the way of the future and that they are safe and superior to nature. Given the massive increases in cancer and other im-mune related diseases since the beginning of the chemical revolution in the 1930‘s and the cur-rent global environmental issues of our planet, we can see that this may not be the truth.

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