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Saturday, February 6, 2010


Did you know?
The greatest risk of CHEMICAL EXPOSURE for the Average Person is found in the BATHROOM
There are at least 125 suspected CARCINOGENIC ingredients found in everyday personal care products and cosmetics
Everyday products such as shampoo, bubble bath, toothpaste and moisturizer or body lo-tions including baby products contain industrial chemicals which are used in products such as engine degreasers, anti-freeze and oven cleaners
Your children may be in danger from baby shampoos, skin lotions, baby wipes and tooth-paste. According to doctors and medical researchers in the United States, Japan, Switzer-land and Germany, two common ingredients found in ordinary shampoos and skin products may be linked to cataracts, cancer, eye damage and even blindness in young children!
Artificial fragrances in most products contain neurotoxic substances and are toxic to hu-mans. They also decrease sperm count and formation.
Sodium Fluoride one of the active ingredients in Rat Poison is in commonly found in over 300 different types of toothpaste including children‘s varieties
Ingredients in many baby products such as Methyl Paraben are linked to cancer, reproduc-tive/developmental toxicity, allergies, immuno-toxicity and more. Bio-accumulation of these toxins are particularly harmful to babies because of the amount and long term expo-sure from birth.

Every day we buy products laced with a cocktail of chemicals causing us, our families and the en-vironment great harm. They are sold in supermarkets, health food stores, retail outlets and on-line advertised as natural, organic and safe to use.
Most of us have believed the lies and the hype… But now we know what to look out for .
Check the ingredient labels on the products in your bathroom cupboard and find out what they really are?
Be Vigilant! Check the ingredient list on your products.
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